Human body has the amazing capability and necessary constitution required to cure most diseases and illnesses. On providing adequate support human body can recover from illness and most of the times will reverse the disease process. Nutrition plays a significant role in providing this support and Functional nutrition is a way to get the support. Functional Nutrition involves providing optimal nutrition while focusing on avoiding multiple factors that could contribute to taint the nutrition.

Empower patient to understand the value of optimal nutrition and role of nutrition in attaining the wellness.

We believe food is medicine and optimal nutrition can help reverse chronic diseases like Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart disease, Obesity, and other diseases. With Optimal nutrition it is possible to prevent or reverse disease and decrease reliance on medications.

Provide optimal nutrition taking into account age, sex, health and other parameters.

Through functional medicine we check gut health function with regard to digestion, absorption, microbiome (microorganisms in the gut), deficiency and inflammation. Functional nutrition will help attain optimal gut function.

Through functional nutrition we will personalize macros such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats along with nutrients per your required outcome such as weight loss or change in metabolism.

Calories to get energy can be obtained from multiple foods but the source of calories also plays a significant role in wellness. For example, 200 calories of refined sugar are not as healthy or equal to 200 calories of fish. Functional nutritionist helps with optimal and healthy sources for calorie intake.

Essential amino acids are necessary for prevention of muscle loss which happens with age and build new muscle tissue. Through functional nutrition we can help building muscle mass.

Intermittent fasting is a food plan that switches between fasting and eating on a regular schedule. Research shows that intermittent fasting is a way to manage your weight and prevent or even reverse some forms of disease.

Diet plans with unsustainable diet changes may help achieve weight loss or wellness for short term but will not be helpful long term. Functional nutritionist will provide personalized sustainable food plan that can be incorporated in your daily routine and easy to follow.

Fast foods, packaged foods and many groceries have multiple preservatives. These can be seen in the ingredients table on the food box. Functional nutritionist helps review the ingredients appropriately and make health choices.

Synthetic and plastic materials are hazardous for health. They contribute to many diseases and allergic reactions in an individual. Through functional nutrition these can be eliminated.

Functional nutritionist provides resources to cook food without losing nutrition and resources for the recipes.

Organic foods are a way to obtain optimal nutrition but unfortunately availability of reliable organic foods has become difficult. Through functional nutrition we will provide reliable organic foods.