Optimal treatment

  • Human body is a complex system of organs which function by coordinating with each other to maintain Immunologic, physiologic and metabolic balance. Optimal treatment needs recognising the imbalances and rebalancing them. The functional medicine model of treatment works to reverse illness and optimize function by addressing underlying root cause instead of just alleviating symptoms.

  • Rather than masking symptoms we seek to restore the natural functioning of your body. Using superior diagnostic testing and evidence-based treatments, we seek to restore patients’ physiological and metabolic balance to achieve optimal health.

  • We perceive every individual as unique with their unique physiological and genetic makeup. We also realize that each individual has different genetics, metabolism, physiology, toxin, and environmental exposures as well as other lifestyle factors such as stressors, sleep, relationship etc. that affect their health status. Conventional health care model uses medications to eliminate symptoms which help resolve the symptoms but when you discontinue the medications, the symptoms usually return.

  • Although we might prescribe medications, our goal is to taper the medications slowly and if possible, completely discontinue medications while working on the life style factors such as diet and using supplements as needed. We develop a Treatment plan in collaboration with patient. A plan that is feasible and that could be incorporated into your daily routine rather than giving you a diet plan or exercise plan.

  • We consider Personalization of treatment to be the core requirement to achieve wellness for an individual. We strive to develop one-on-one partnership with the patient to help them achieve their wellness goal. Complete reversal of disease is only possible with mind, body and soul healing. Our treatment approach involves a team of Physician, Fitness coach and Nutritionist. Our team works collectively to prepare a personalized plan and close follow up with regular monitoring.